Wednesday, November 25, 2009



By now the Aryans had nearly all the equipments of a civilisation of the ancient type. Whereas the Rigveda speaks only of gold and copper or bronze, the later Vedic texts also mention tin, lead, silver and iron. The elephant was tamed, though little used in war. The Aryans now cultivated a large range of crops including rice, and they understood some­thing of irrigation and manuring.

Specialised trades and crafts had appeared. In place of the few craftsmen in the Rigveda, many are now referred to, including jewellers, goldsmiths, metalworkers, basket­makers, rope-makers, weavers, dyers, carpenters and pot­ters. Various types of domestic servants are mentioned, and a rudimentary entertainment industry existed, with profes­sional acrobats, fortune-tellers, flute-players and dancers, while there are also references to usurers and merchants.

Still there is no mention of coined money or writing. After a break of many centuries, Indian merchandise was again finding its way to Mesopotamia.

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